Engram Installation. Intervals Festival 2024
The International Festival of Media Arts, Intervals, is traditionally held in Nizhny Novgorod. As the largest and unparalleled event of its kind, Intervals unites adepts of the creative industry from all over the world. The mission of the festival is to make media art understandable and accessible to every viewer, regardless of time and place. In 2024, Intervals welcomed 80 participants from Korea, Spain, France, Turkey, Azerbaijan, the USA, Uruguay, and Russia. They presented their artworks at 17 locations throughout the city, both indoors and outdoors.
Engram is a lasting imprint left by a spiritual and psychological impression in the brain, forming the basis of one’s memory and experience. The digital sculpture by p.motion is a whole organism, created through the symbiosis of generative graphics, processing, sound design, and analog visuals. The Engram comes to life when being interacted with: digital imprints are created in response to sound and movement. A unique sound design has been created specifically for the installation.
Three techniques of capturing and transforming real-time video streams have been used for the installation:
1. Processing, where graphics are created with code
2. Analog signal converters
3. TouchDesigner
The Engram captures everything in real-time and saves all digital imprints of visitors, uploading them to the cloud.

p.motion 2024
Denis Levchenko — art direction
Kirill Galushko — producer
Liliya Idiliya — conсept design
Anna Osintseva — conсept design
Semion Levchenko — motion design
Dima Calculator — sound and creative engineer
Nika Zhusueva — project manager
We thank our colleagues from the Federal Center for the Development of Professional Education in the Creative Industries
Ioann Klindukhov
Mariya Ponomareva
Andrey Obydennikov
for their participation in the organization