Moscow 2030. Generative graphics
Moscow 2030 is a festival and forum dedicated to innovation, sports and culture in Moscow. The event covered more than 30 locations in the capital, attracted 12 million visitors and became the largest event of the summer 2024.
The client asked us to make a conceptual study of the scene and to create some graphic content on the screen for the opening musical performance from Nikola Melnikov.
As a solution, we have developed a design concept for the stage, which includes the operation of lighting devices, the location of the stage for artists and a screen located between the overpasses on the territory of ‘GES-2’.
The audio-active graphics on the screen were implemented using TouchDesigner and visualized 12 musical compositions by Nikola Melnikov, Antokha MC and the orchestra.
Generative graphics is a multi-layered visualization of musical notes of orchestra instruments. Each layer was implemented by capturing an audio stream and converting it into a kind of graphic equalizer. Just as notes superimposed on each other create a musical composition, so our digital art formed a visual composition, reflecting the creativity of Nikola and the orchestra.

Art director: Denis Levchenko
CG and motion design: Yasha Pyrkin, Dima Calculator, Semion Levchenko
Editing: Semion Levchenko
VFX: Semion Levchenko
Project manager: Nika Zhusueva