After 4 years, we are once again compiling a studio showreel. This is the result of the work of three departments: branding, digital and video production. The result of each participant’s work — our colleagues and friends, the result of the trust of our clients and partners. Thanks, you make p.motion.
We have learned to work with big projects, meeting the expectations and goals of the client. Actively breaking into Digital-art and NFT has changed our mind, changed our approach to commercial projects, and improved our hard skills. We are truly satisfied with the results, and they have formed our vision for the future — delving deeper into what we do best, work at the intersection of design, animated graphics, video, and technology. We focus on expressing brand identity in video format. This is where p. motion began its journey.
Perpetual motion is an eternal engine and despite all the laws of physics, we are moving forward.