SuperStep — один из лидеров российского и турецкого рынка по продаже мультибрендовой обуви. Клиент обратился к нам с задачей снять рекламный ролик для YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, VK и Tik Tok.
We have created a dynamic video that is close in spirit to the brand’s audience. Movement, rhythm, style, and art are values that unite fans of sneaker culture. The video is filled with scenes inspired by streets and hobbies. The brand is changing its positioning and wants to be bold, we have added animation filled with kinetic typography, glitches, and digital.
Directed by Kirill Galushko
Director of Photography – Semyon Levchenko
Art Director, motion design — Denis Levchenko
Producer — Kirill Galushko
1st assistant operator, focuspuller — Grisha Shishkin
Assistant Director — Stefan Frankovsky
Costume Designer — Lisa Samsonova
Director of the film set — Armen Aydinyan
Makeup — Tatiana Golubeva
Storyboard – Arina Provada
Editing by Kirill Galushko
VFX effects — Semyon Levchenko
Music – Andrey Popesco and Vasily Konstantinovsky
Sound design — Andrey Popesco and Vasily Konstantinovsky
Color correction, clean up – Semyon Levchenko
Actors and models:
Dancer – Sveta Kambur
Cyclist and photographer – Alexander Trofimov
Skateboarder – David Gaziev
Couple with a dog – Konstantin Demidov and Ekaterina Tikhinova
p.motion 2022